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Best Technology For Your Next Web App 2020 — React Vs Angular

Hello, everyone! This time, guys, we want to share our opinion about Angular and React and try to answer one of the most frequently asked questions, “Angular vs React: Which one to choose for your app in 2020?”.

Both Angular and React are similar in popularity, in architecture, and are based on JavaScript. So what’s the difference? Which of these is better?

Everybody knows that these technologies are the products of two titans and powerful rivals Facebook and Google. I don’t know about you, guys, but for us, that’s like choosing between Mercedes and BMW, between Messi and Ronaldo.

To approve our thoughts we’d like to give some statistics from Google Trends:,react

Here you can see both Angular and React and it’s clear that they are growing even though since the beginning of 2018 React has begun to get more searching requests than Angular. You may say that React is growing and Angular is not but you will be wrong, they both are growing.

The use of React & Angular

React is a great choice for startups, or whenever there’s a need to develop small separate applications/widgets for your site. It’s been already used plenty of well-known companies, such as, UberNetflix, or Instagram. Uber, on their Uber Engineering blog, states that React fits the UberEATS use case very well thanks to the multi-platform support and because it could work well within their existing mobile infrastructure. Netflix has chosen React to increase the initial load, for its runtime speed and modularity that supports Netflix’s numerous A/B tests. However, in 2017 Netflix removed React from client-side, still keeping it on server-side. Instagram is built on React which shouldn’t be surprising — after all, React has been developed by Facebook which has acquired Instagram.

Angular, on the other hand, may work better with different management systems (CMS, CRM, etc.), and more complex apps because Angular extends HTML’s syntax that simplifies the front-end development and allows for creating content management capability quickly. Among others, Angular offers reactive forms that are powerful and flexible. Angular’s simplicity and scalability might be the reason why so many media giants have decided to take advantage of it, including Forbes and The Guardian. The latter opted for Angular because it’s a good fit for developing rich web applications. Angular is also a framework of choice of PayPal that uses it in the PayPal Checkout system, including parent page, payment review page, sidebar, and adding credit card page.

Angular vs. React

We saw that no matter which one you choose, you can build robust applications and the decision you make when you pick either option won’t be limiting in any way.

Your decision should be based on the background of the team of developers that are going to work on your project.

  • If all developers are well versed in modern JavaScript, React can be adopted easily.
  • On the other hand, back-end or full-stack developers coming from Java or C# usually find the Angular learning curve much easier.

It is also important to note that type safety can be achieved with both frameworks. Angular uses Typescript by default, so you get types, classes, interfaces, and many object-oriented features out of the box. You can do the same with React by using Typescript too. As always with React, it’s just a matter of figuring out which libraries/extensions/compilers to use, and you’re up and running.

In any case, we live in an era where we have a lot of options and excellent development tools and frameworks that make front-end web development much more accessible than what it used to be a few years ago. This is something we should all be thankful for. Long live all front-end frameworks!

At Exon Apps, we believe that tools and technologies should be tailored to every project and its needs. Some of our clients work in Angular, others prefer React — that’s why we work with both technologies in parallel. We usually recommend Angular for complex applications, for example, analytical tools; while React for web projects that require lots of flexibility, i.e. e-commerce, dashboards services.


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